BeneFITcial by God's Design:
Prepare for a F.I.T (Fulfilled, Inspired, and Transformed) lifestyle!
Jessica Magee - Your Resiliency Coach
Hi there! My name is Jessica Magee, and I help individuals adapt to difficult life experiences, such as trauma, illness, relationship struggles, and workplace issues, and reclaim their strength using Godly resiliency principles and personalized strategies.
Resilience is defined as the ability to bounce back from a challenging experience. It is the ability to cope with stress and adversity and to continue with life despite setbacks. Resilience is important because it allows us to adapt and grow when facing challenges and roadblocks.
While some people are born with this ability, others must learn and develop this ability through self-management skills and strategies. Most of my clients (and myself for most of my life) have been living in survival mode, in the mindset of “It is what it is” when it doesn’t have to be.
I help my clients work through the roadblock of the present to reach the aha moment, leading to a better, healthier, and more resilient future. This is not a quick-fix solution, although I wish I could offer that, but the strategies I use have been proven to work countless times, and my clients would agree.
As a survivor of multiple traumas, I know how frustrating it can be to feel as though “this” is the best it will ever be. I used to search the internet for a solution and have spent more money than I would care to admit trying to find a way out of the darkness. It felt as though I had taken up permanent residence. Therapy was never “my thing,” as I didn’t want to have to constantly relive the traumatic experiences most of my therapists wanted me to talk about; after all, I lived it. I could acknowledge it. I wanted to learn to move past it, not stay in it. It took my fifth therapist, a certified coach, to listen to me and help me move past that dark space and see there was light on the other side. I am so thankful God sent her my way.
I have been determined to help others move towards that same light from that moment forward. I have survived sexual traumas, toxic relationships, and work environments, losing a child, the challenges of raising a child with special needs, dealing with the ripple effect my toxic relationships had on my children, and finding out who I was as an individual (not someone’s mom, wife, daughter, sister, etc.), adapted and come out stronger. I am a living testament to the fact that these strategies work. After all, you wouldn’t want financial advice from someone with a proven track record of being broke, right?
I have been determined to help others move towards that same light from that moment forward. I have survived sexual traumas, toxic relationships, and work environments, losing a child, the challenges of raising a child with special needs, dealing with the ripple effect my toxic relationships had on my children, and finding out who I was as an individual (not someone’s mom, wife, daughter, sister, etc.), adapted and come out stronger. I am a living testament to the fact that these strategies work. After all, you wouldn’t want financial advice from someone with a proven track record of being broke, right?